General Conversation

Class Information

Elementary Level

This class is designed to turn Japanese you know into Japanese you can use. This class is recommended for those who have already learned a passing level of beginner's grammar and language. You can prepare what you want to talk about before class because you will know the model conversation in pre-assignments . We will talk about hobbies, daily life, and many other familiar topics.

Number of Lessons

10 sessions / twice a week

Intermediate Level

This class is perfect for those who can speak daily conversation but still have difficulty explaining and expressing their opinions. In this class, we will talk about Japanese culture and introduce our own country using words and expressions that are typical of Japanese. By touching on a few social topics, students can expect to improve their conversational skills.

Number of Lessons

8 sessions / once a week

Advanced Level

Ideal for those who want to be able to speak in Japanese about a variety of topics in a more natural way, and will be exposed to a diverse range of Japanese, including web news, newspaper articles, essays, novels, etc. Requests about topics from students are also acceptable. Students will prepare their own ideas for class. Students will enjoy a lively exchange of opinions in class.

Number of Lessons

8 sessions / once a week

Level Comparison

Elementary Level

Intermediate Level

Advanced Level

Target Level

JLPT|N5-N4 level

CEFR|A1-A2 level

JLPT|N3-N2 level

CEFR|A2-B1 level

JLPT|N2-N1 level

CEFR|B2-C1 level


Hobby and Daily life and other topics around you

The country's culture and slightly social topics such as differences between countries

News, essays and all other topics in the world

Number of Lessons

10 sessions / twice a week

8 sessions / once a week

8 sessions / once a week

Day of the Week

Tuesdays and Fridays



*Hours (JST)

*Please select the time you would like to take.










Class Size

Class size is limited to 10 students.

Class size is limited to 10 students.

Class size is limited to 10 students.

Course Fees

¥44,000(Tax included)

¥35,200(Tax included)

¥35,200(Tax included)





October 2024

January 2025

April 2025

July 2025

Elementary Level

Tue, Oct 22, 2024 -
Fri, Nov 22, 2024

Tue, Jan 28, 2025 -
Tue, Mar 4, 2025

Tue, Apr 22, 2025 -
Fri, May 30, 2025

Tue Jul 22, 2025 -
Fri, Aug 29, 2025

Intermediate Level

Wed, Oct 16, 2024 -
Wed, Dec 4, 2024

Wed, Jan 22, 2025 -
Wed, Mar 12, 2025

Wed, Apr 16, 2025 -
Wed, Jun 4, 2025

Wed, Jul 16, 2025 -
Wed, Sep 10, 2025

Advanced Level

Thu, Oct 17, 2024 -
Thu, Dec 5, 2024

Thu, Jan 23, 2025 -
Thu, Mar 13, 2025

Thu, Apr 17, 2025 -
Thu, Jun 5, 2025

Thu, Jul 17, 2025 -
Thu, Sep 11, 2025

*The application deadline for the October 2024 class is Monday, September 23, 2024.


Steps from Application to Enrollment

Level Check Test

This is a test to check your Japanese level.
There are 100 questions in total and the time limit is one hour.
At first, the questions will be easy, but they will gradually become more difficult. Please check your current skill level by taking this level check.

Course Fees

Elementary Level

¥44,000(Tax included)

Intermediate Level

¥35,200(Tax included)

Advanced Level

¥35,200(Tax included)


Payment Method

・Domestic transfers
・Remittance from outside Japan
*Flywire is a safe and convenient way to make tuition payments from abroad.
With Flywire, you can make payments from your home country in your home currency, and you can choose to make bank payments, credit card payments, and various online payments (some options are not available in certain countries).