FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Which level should I apply for?

Please take a level check first, and apply for a class based on the score of the level check. After we confirm the results of the level check and the level of your application, we will propose the most suitable class for you.

I have hardly studied Japanese before, can I still participate in the online course?

The current target audience for the online course is those who can understand hiragana and katakana and have scored 20 or above on the level check. Classes for those who are interested in starting to study Japanese are currently being prepared. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please wait a little longer.

Where do most of your students come from?

Depending on the time of year, we sometimes have more people from the same country, but we have participants in Naganuma Online Course from all over the world, and there are not many people from one country in particular. It is a good opportunity to talk with people from various countries.

I am planning to enroll in the Naganuma School, should I take the online course?

The Naganuma School places the improvement of learners' communication skills above all else. We are sure that the way of teaching will be different from what you have experienced elsewhere, it will be a very good opportunity for you to experience Naganuma School classes through the online course before enrolling.

Can I enroll in the Naganuma School after taking the online course?

Yes. It is possible to enroll in Naganuma School. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in enrolling.

How can I improve my conversational skills?

We will give you plenty of time to speak in the online course. Please do your pre-assignments before class and be prepared for what you will say in class. Do not be afraid of making mistakes, as your teacher will kindly correct them in class. Please do not be shy to talk a lot.
By repeating the process of "doing pre-assignments in advance and then speaking a lot in class," students will be able to imagine what kind of conversation they will be having and will improve not only their conversation skills but also their listening skills.

Do I need to purchase textbooks?

No. There is no need to purchase textbooks, as we prepare materials according to the level of the students.

What applications do you use in your online courses?

Google Classroom will be used for class communication and for exchanging assignments. We also use Google Meet for live lessons.

What equipment do I need?

You can join a class with a computer or tablet. It is also recommended to have a headset so that you can hear the teacher's and other students' voices clearly.